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BSP - 엑셀다운로드

매개변수 유형 값전달 선택적 타자 참조유형 기본값 내역
I_ITAB Importing     Type Ref To DATA                                                                                                                                    
I_HEADER Importing V V Type EXTDFIEST                                                                        DD Internal: Information on Table Fields
I_TABLE_EXPORT Importing V V Type ABAP_BOOL ABAP_FALSE                                                             
I_ADDITIONAL_HTML Importing V V Type STRING                                                                        Additional HTML Data
E_XSTRING Exporting V   Type XSTRING                                                                                                                                    
E_STRING Exporting V   Type STRING                                                                                                                                    
E_XSTRING_TABLE Exporting V   Type XSTRING                                                                                                                                    
E_STRING_TABLE Exporting V   Type STRING                                                                                                                                    

method convert_itab_to_html .

** HEADER column number and ITAB column number should be same **
** HEADER column order and ITAB column order should be same **

  data: l_string     type string,
        l_style      type string.

  data: lapp_type    type char30,
        str          type string,
        l_header     type extdfies.

  data: date_created type string,
        s_tst        type timestamp,
        c_tst(15)    type c.

  data: html         type string.
  data: html_table   type string.

****Setup the Application type for Character Set Conversion to Binary String
" -- original source  broken korean character >>
  "lapp_type = 'text/html; charset=ks_c_5601-1987'.
" -- it changed  original source >>
  "lapp_type = 'text/html; '.
  field-symbols: <tab>         type table,
                 <wa>          type any,
                 <f>           type any,
                 <r>           type any.

****Get Reference to our Internal Table
  assign i_itab->* to <tab>.

***Read the Table Structure
  data: struct type extdfiest.

  field-symbols <wa_desc> like line of struct.

  call method me->get_table_structure
      i_itab   = i_itab
      e_struct = struct.

** make time stamp
  get time stamp field s_tst.
  c_tst = s_tst.

  concatenate c_tst(4'-' c_tst+4(2'-' c_tst+6(2'T' c_tst+8(2)
              ':' c_tst+10(2':' c_tst+12(2'Z' into date_created.

**** make html

** <html> & Office xml namespace
  `<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"`
  ` xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel"`
  ` xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">`
   into html.

** html header
  concatenate html
  "`<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=ks_c_5601-1987">`
  `<meta name=ProgId content=Excel.Sheet>`
  `<meta name=Generator content="Microsoft Excel 11">`

  into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

** Excel Document Info xml data.

  concatenate html
  `<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>`                      cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
  ` <o:DocumentProperties>`                       cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
  `  <o:Author>` sy-uname `</o:Author>`           cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
  `  <o:Created>` date_created `</o:Created>`     cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
  `  <o:LastSaved>` date_created `</o:LastSaved>` cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
  into html.

  concatenate html
  `  <o:Company>Excel via BSP</o:Company>`
  ` </o:DocumentProperties>`
  into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

** Office html CSSstyle

  concatenate html
  `  {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\.";`
  `  mso-displayed-thousand-separator:"\,";}`
  `  {margin:.98in .79in .98in .79in;`
  `  mso-header-margin:.49in;`
  `  mso-footer-margin:.49in;}`
  `  {mso-height-source:auto;`
  `    mso-ruby-visibility:none;}`
  `  {mso-width-source:auto;`
  `    mso-ruby-visibility:none;}`
  `  {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}`
  `  {mso-number-format:General;`
  `  text-align:general;`
  `  vertical-align:bottom;`
  `  white-space:nowrap;`
  `  mso-rotate:0;`
  `   mso-background-source:auto;`
  `  mso-pattern:auto;`
  `  color:windowtext;`
  `  font-size:9.0pt;`
  `  font-weight:400;`
  `  font-style:normal;`
  `  text-decoration:none;`
  `  font-family:Arial, sans-serif;`
  `  mso-generic-font-family:auto;`
  `  mso-font-charset:129;`
  `  border:none;`
  `  mso-protection:locked visible;`
  `  mso-style-name:Standard;`
  `  mso-style-id:0;}`
  `  {mso-style-parent:style0;`
  `  padding-top:1px;`
  `  padding-right:1px;`
  `  padding-left:1px;`
  `  mso-ignore:padding;`
  `  color:windowtext;`
  `  font-weight:400;`
  `  font-style:normal;`
  `  text-decoration:none;`
  `  font-family:Arial, sans-serif;`
  `  mso-generic-font-family:auto;`
  `  mso-font-charset:0;`
  `  mso-number-format:General;`
  `  text-align:general;`
  `  vertical-align:bottom;`
  `  border:.5pt solid windowtext;`
  `  mso-pattern:auto;`
  `  mso-protection:locked visible;`
  `  white-space:nowrap;`
  `  mso-rotate:0;}`
  `.xl24` "Packed/Float Data type
  ` {mso-style-parent:style0;`
  ` mso-number-format:"\#\,\#\#0\.00_ ";}`
  `.xl25` "Integer Type
  ` {mso-style-parent:style0;`
  ` mso-number-format:"\#\,\#\#0_ ";}`
  `.xl26` "Currency Type
  ` {mso-style-parent:style0;`
  ` mso-number-format:"\#\,\#\#0";}  `
  `  {mso-style-parent:style0;`
  `  font-weight:700;`
  `  border:.5pt solid windowtext;`
  `  background:silver;`
  `  mso-pattern:auto none;}`
  `  {ruby-align:left;}`
  `  {color:windowtext;`
  `  font-size:8.0pt;`
  `  font-weight:400;`
  `  font-style:normal;`
  `  text-decoration:none;`
  `  font-family:돋움, monospace;`
  `  mso-font-charset:129;`
  `  mso-char-type:none;`
  `  display:none;}`

  into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

** Office Excel Workbook & Sheet info xml data.
  concatenate html
  `<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>`
  ` <x:ExcelWorkbook>`
  `  <x:ExcelWorksheets>`
  `   <x:ExcelWorksheet>`
  `     <x:Name>Sheet1</x:Name>`
  `     <x:WorksheetOptions>`
  `       <x:ProtectContents>False</x:ProtectContents>`
  `       <x:ProtectObjects>False</x:ProtectObjects>`
  `       <x:ProtectScenarios>False</x:ProtectScenarios>`
  `     </x:WorksheetOptions>`
  `   </x:ExcelWorksheet>`
  `  </x:ExcelWorksheets>`
  `  <x:ProtectStructure>False</x:ProtectStructure>`
  `  <x:ProtectWindows>False</x:ProtectWindows>`
  ` </x:ExcelWorkbook>`

  into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

** Start Body html
  concatenate html
  `<body link=blue vlink=purple>`
  `<table x:str border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" style='border-width:.05pt;border-collapse:collapse'>`
  `<col style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:800'>`
  into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    concatenate html_table
    `<table x:str border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%" style='border-width:.05pt;border-collapse:collapse'>`
    `<col style='mso-width-source:userset;mso-width-alt:800'>`
    into html_table separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

  if i_header[] is initial.
    i_header[] = struct[].

** make header html <col>
  loop at i_header into l_header.
    concatenate html `<col style='mso-width-source:userset'>`
                     into html.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    loop at i_header into l_header.
      concatenate html_table `<col style='mso-width-source:userset'>`
                  cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf into html_table.

** make header html <tr><td>...</td></tr>
  concatenate html
              `<tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>`
*              `<td></td>`
              into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

  loop at i_header into l_header.
    concatenate html `<td class=xl27 style="font-weight:700">`
                    into html.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    concatenate html_table
                `<tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>`
*              `<td></td>`
                into html_table separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

    loop at i_header into l_header.
      concatenate html_table `<td class=xl27 style="font-weight:700">`
                      into html_table.

  concatenate html
              into html.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    concatenate html_table
                into html_table.

** make body
  dataoutput type string.
  data: s(256type c.
  data: l_css  type string.
  data: l_page type ref to cl_bsp_page_base.
  create object l_page.

*****Loop through the Data Table
  loop at <tab> assigning <wa>.
****For each component (field) in the table -Output the data
    loop at struct assigning <wa_desc>.
      assign component sy-tabix of structure <wa> to <f>.
      check sy-subrc = 0.
      if <wa_desc> is assigned and <wa_desc>-convexit is not initial.
****Process any output conversion routines
        concatenate 'CONVERSION_EXIT_' <wa_desc>-convexit '_OUTPUT' into str.
        call function str
            input  = <f>
            output = s.
**** If <F> has conversion routines, <F> is character type.
        concatenate `<td style="mso-number-format:'\@'">`
                    into s.

****Use the BSP Page - to string Method to output any data type as a string
****INTTYPE is ABAP Data type
        case <wa_desc>-inttype.
* - Packed number : Check Currency
          when 'P'.
            if ( <wa_desc>-datatype eq 'CURR' and
               ( <wa_desc>-reftable is not initial and <wa_desc>-reffield is not initial ) ).
              "try to get currency value in current work area
              assign component <wa_desc>-reffield of structure <wa> to <r>.
              if sy-subrc eq 0.
                "currency value found
                s = l_page->if_bsp_page~to_string( value           = <f>
                                                   format          = l_page->if_bsp_page~co_format_currency
                                                   reference_value = <r> ).
                "default Currency - KRW
                s = l_page->if_bsp_page~to_string( value           = <f>
                                                   format          = l_page->if_bsp_page~co_format_currency
                                                   reference_value = 'KRW' ).
              l_css = 'x126'"currency css
              replace all occurrences of ',' in s with space.
              condense s no-gaps.
              if <wa_desc>-sign eq 'X'.
                call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT'
                    value = s.
              concatenate `<td class=`
                          ` x:num="`
                          into s.
              "other - normal Packed Number
              l_css = 'x124'"Packed/Float css
              move <f> to s.
              condense s.
              if <wa_desc>-sign eq 'X'.
                call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT'
                    value = s.
              concatenate `<td class=`
                          ` x:num="`
                          into s.

* - Float
          when 'F'.
            s = l_page->if_bsp_page~to_string( value = <f> ).
            move <f> to s.
            condense s.
            if <wa_desc>-sign eq 'X'.
              call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT'
                  value = s.
            concatenate `<td class=x124 x:num="`
                        into s.
* - Integer
          when 'I' or 'N' or 'b' or 's'.
            move <f> to s.
            condense s.
            if <wa_desc>-sign eq 'X'.
              call function 'CLOI_PUT_SIGN_IN_FRONT'
                  value = s.
            concatenate `<td class=x125 x:num="`
                        into s.
* - Date
          when 'D'.
            s = l_page->if_bsp_page~to_string( value  = <f>
                                               format = l_page->if_bsp_page~co_format_long ).
            concatenate `<td style="mso-number-format:'\@';">`
                        into s.
* Time
          when 'T'.
            s = l_page->if_bsp_page~to_string( value = <f> ).
            concatenate `<td style='mso-number-format:"hh\:mm\:ss"'>`
                         into s.

* Other - Character \@ is TEXT type of Excel Cell. No TO_STRING Conversion
          when others.
            concatenate `<td style="mso-number-format:'\@'">`
                        into s.


      if s is initial.
        concatenate `<td style="mso-number-format:'\@'">`
                    into s.

** make column
      concatenate l_string
                  into l_string.

      clear : s,l_css.

** make row
    concatenate html
                `<tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>`
*                cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
*                `<td class=x127></td>`
                into html.

    if i_table_export eq abap_true.
      concatenate html_table
                  `<tr height=17 style='height:12.75pt'>`
*                cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
*                `<td class=x127></td>`
                  into html_table.

    clear l_string.


** end of html
  concatenate html
              `   </table>`
              into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    concatenate html_table
                `   </table>`
                into html_table separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

* Additional HTML Code added here
  if i_additional_html is not initial.
    concatenate html
                `  </body>`
                into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.
    concatenate html
                `  </body>`
                into html separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf.

** return html data by string format
  e_string =  html.

***Convert the string to Binary string (euc-kr)
  call function 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING'
      text     = html
      mimetype = lapp_type
      buffer   = e_xstring
      failed   = 1
      others   = 2.

  if i_table_export eq abap_true.
    e_string_table = html_table.
    call function 'SCMS_STRING_TO_XSTRING'
        text     = html_table
        mimetype = lapp_type
        buffer   = e_xstring_table
        failed   = 1
        others   = 2.


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